Although planning a holiday can be one of the most exciting parts of the process. You spend time reading brochures and saying what if we go here, of what about going there. Then you finally finish it off with a visit to the travel agent to finalise all the details. But depending on what sort of person you are stress can easily build in this whole process.
When the What If’s Mount Up
For me, the biggest problem has always been when you are trying to work out the details of multiple different potential options. You might start out with one or two options, but suddenly when you are researching another couple of choices pop up and before you know it there are a dozen different ideas all with some potential.
The trouble is not always the where you are going, but more so the cost of different options, as you want to make the most of your holiday dollars. Do you fly this way or that, is it more economical to fly here first and back from there. So many different choices that can make the whole process somewhat stressful.
Stress Solution?
To some extent I have developed something of a solution, however, that did take four overseas trips to pull together. However, in reality, I am not even sure if that is a good option since in the past 12 months I have somewhat struggled to pull together all of my thoughts and get any traction on my travel plans.
I had planned to travel to America last March, however, kept putting off the planning and booking. So that end up moving back to a potential trip in July or August, which again I did not get around to booking or planning
Eventually, I did put together a two-week trip to New Zealand in October, which was a great trip, even if there were a few problems along the way. A change in bookings for Auckland, and switching a campervan for a hotel room & rental car in Christchurch. While I enjoyed the trip, the little stresses that arose at the last minute I could have passed on.
The more recent challenges for me have been in booking a cruise in early April. However, with the current level of the currency exchange, I put this off as well. I am looking forward to hopefully changing things up a little shortly and getting away on another trip soon.
Things Will Change
I think to a large extent as mentioned in the last paragraph the currency exchange has been one of the greatest pressure points that have held me back. While it would be nice to see this change shortly, I don’t think it will quite work out that way. So I will have to look at maybe finding some different area’s to travel to where this is not going to impact things as much.
What are the things that stress you out when it comes to travel? Is it getting everything booked or is it having everything booked and just not being sure it all links up? Let me know in the comments below.
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