When you have owned a camera and taken it with you a lot, one thing you end up with is a lot of photographs. With the purchase of my new computer earlier this year I have now allocated a…
There was a long period of my life that I would state I did not need coffee in my life. At the time that was a very true statement for me, I did not need coffee. Just like now…
The past week has to say the least been a little interesting. I am still working through the process of getting a new car and still very much in the searching stage. So while I am taking my car…
There was a time in my life when I used to say that I did not need coffee to live my life. I did not see that caffeine could provide anything, no additional benefit or boost in any way.…
The saga of my car continues this week with the visit to the mechanic on Monday not resolving much. In fact it found me with even more of a problem, that the car needs money spent and is not…
When it comes to drinking coffee there are many different reasons why people do. On an individual level, it might be for relaxation or motivation, or maybe a good reason to connect with others and be social. There can…
I must say that this week did not get off to a productive start for me. Through the long weekend for Easter, I let things slide a little and found a little trouble getting the momentum back from there.…
At the beginning of March, I was somewhat forced to get a new computer. I could have pursued the option of getting it repaired. However, after much research online, that looked to be less than an ideal option for…
I have something of a confession to make when it comes to coffee. I am one of those people that drinks coffee on a daily basis, but never after midday. Some people seem capable of consuming coffee at all…
The past week has been a little bit of a comedown after having a few days away the week before. Even though it was a short break and just a little north at the Sunshine Coast, it is still…