Booking Europe 2012

Booking Segments 1-3 Europe 2012

Originally I had planned to have all of my bookings complete by early February. Alas, that did not work out as planned. However, I can confirm that I have completed booking the majority of the first three stages of…

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Piecing Together The Travel Jigsaw

Everyone approaches the concept of travelling in a different way. Many people’s ideas may overlap or have certain aspects that are shared, but they do differ in little ways. Some people may see travel as a plan like you…

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Tips For Getting Through Airport Security

The one thing that often makes travel a challenge for people is the idea of tacking the Airport Security Checkpoint. If there is one thing that you tend to learn from taking over twenty flight through over a dozen…

Planning Europe 2012

Final Outline For Europe 2012 Trip

** Note: 2016 Update. The below post is a summary of five original posts for booking the five stages of my Europe 2012 trip. I made the amalgamation of posts when I transitioned from to in January 2017…


Europe 2012 Planning & Booking Options

I am sitting down to write this post for the third time now. To get something published and share about my upcoming trip to Europe. Primarily I have faced a couple of self-imposed challenges in getting anything planned and…

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Planning And Organising For Europe

Today is the 19th of December and not at all long until the next overseas trip that I have planned. In fact, it is just 79 days until I will be heading to the airport to fly out to…

Coromandel - Hahei Beach

Exploring The Coromandel Peninsula

I arrived in Auckland almost a week ago now, and have spent almost all week with work. Even though I got a little time to explore the city itself yesterday, I am now ready to get out of the…

Auckland - Mount Eden Skyline View

An Afternoon Exploring Auckland

I arrived in Auckland just under a week ago on Sunday Afternoon. The trip over to New Zealand is work related, and as such, I have been quite busy. With the need to work quite some hours through the…

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Holiday Travel Planning & Booking Tips

The official date of the Christmas Season starting can be of debate at times. However, it is once you get into December and school holidays progressively start for students that travel gets a little more hectic. The one thing…

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The best Souvenirs Cost Nothing

The very first trip away that I did to Melbourne last year was a big learning experience for me in many ways. There of course was the fact I was traveling by myself and had to work it all…

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