MS Volendam at Anchor

Take To The Ocean, Cruising Solo

When heading off to see the world, many solo travellers tend to ignore the idea of cruising. With the single supplement added to most cruising itineraries, it can make for an expensive trip. However, doing some research and planning…

4 Reasons To Love Cruising

4 Reasons To Love Cruising

Cruising as a way to travel has quickly become one of my favourite ways to travel. There are quite a lot of benefits to cruising and I just wanted to share a couple of these with you. Unpack Once,…

2016 Focus Area Review

2016 Focus Area For The Year Ahead

With 2016 fast approaching, many people will be making new years resolutions. Things like I want to lose X kilos, or I want to exercise more often. All too often these resolutions turn out to be somewhat short lived…

3 Travel Tips For Your Next Holiday
Travel Tips

3 Travel Tips To Prepare For Your Next Holiday

The time that we spend travelling is almost exceeded by the time that we spend planning the trip. There are quite a few aspects of planning and preparing for the actual holiday to keep in mind. Here are three…

Packing For Two Weeks In New Zealand
Travel Tips

Packing For Two Weeks

This Saturday I will be heading off for two short weeks in New Zealand. One thing that I have been working to avoid this trip is packing everything at the absolute last minute. The last overseas trip that I…

Wellington New Zealand

New Zealand – Getting It Booked

Later this month I will be heading across the ditch to visit New Zealand. The trip has been on my mind for a few months. However, I just had not got around to doing anything about booking it. Since…


What Is Geocaching

For around two and half years I have been involved in a hobby that is shared by some 6 million others worldwide. That hobby is Geocaching. At the time of writing this post, you can find around 2.7 million…

Tips for Booking with a Travel Agent
Travel Tips

Tips For Booking With A Travel Agent

When it comes to booking your holiday, booking with a travel agent is one of the better ways to go. Especially if you are not used to travelling. Many people believe that it can cost more booking with an…

The Good & Bad Of Solo Travel
Travel Tips

The Good & Bad Of Travelling Alone

Never you ever travelled alone? Maybe you have thought about it but just not ready yet. Either way, you should know that solo travel can be a rewarding experience. Not just for the places that you will visit, the…

Future Travel Planning

Exploring Ideas About Future Travel Plans

There is a certain feeling of excitement that comes with travelling the world. The feeling may seem like it disappears when you are not heading to an airport. But it is a feeling that can seem to resurface easily.…

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