Bicycle Feature

Getting On The Bike & Peddling My Way Through 2018

On The Bike - At Home

Since I was a young child, I have owned a number of different bikes. Although I cannot remember them individually from my early childhood, I do know through my teenage years, there were two different mountain bikes for sure. However, after leaving school one bike spent many years sitting in the garage never used.

Finally in 2013 when I took up the hobby of Geocaching, I again found a need for a bike. Even though I used that on a couple of occasions it to has spent plenty of time sitting in the garage. I do recall a time a couple of years back when I would go out on my bike most days. But that is just a faint memory now, and I could not even pinpoint when or for how many days that happened.

On The Bike Travelling

On The Bike - Wellington, New Zealand

To date, I have taken the option to rent a bike twice while travelling. The first time was on my first overseas trip when I was visiting Vancouver. I was looking for something to do and decided to save a little time getting around one day by renting a bike. At the time in 2010, I was somewhat unpracticed, and it was a hard slog on the peddles. I think this might have turned me off just a little from renting a bike more often while travelling.

The second time I got on the bike while travelling was a whole five years later in 2015 when I visited Wellington, New Zealand. I speak a little about this in my post “Exploring Wellington, New Zealand.” But basically, I rented the bike and rode around 30km from Wellington City to the town of Petone. It was an enjoyable day out and made me keen to include a bike in more future travels.

2018 Goal On The Bike

Since that day, I rented the bike in Wellington; I do not think I used my bike at home very much. So it was around a month ago I decided that this was something I wanted to change in 2018. I decided that I wanted to make bike riding something that I would do on a regular basis. Starting out with small local rides and building up to bigger rides as I build my endurance.

On The Bike - At Home

That is my bike above, there is nothing special about it, in fact, it was possibly the cheapest one I could find. Well not the cheapest maybe, I did at least bypass the $100 department store special. Back in 2013 when I bought it, I paid $500, and it has been a good bike for the last four and a bit years. At this point, I see no reason to need anything more than a couple of new tyres soon.

The Goal

Around the 20th of January, I decided that I needed to give myself a few things to achieve for the year. One of those things was to set myself a target distance for how far to ride my bike. I considered a couple of different options for the goal and am happy with what I finally settled on.

The first number that came to mind was 1,000km, but I straight away knew that would be too easy. The next thought was 10,000km, but that seemed a bit of a stretch. I considered the average of 10km per day every day, or 3,650km but that seemed still slightly easy.

Finally, I settled on the middle ground of 5,000km which is the goal that I am working towards. If I had started from January 1 that would have been an average of 13.7km per day. However, with my actual start date of the 23rd of January, it was sitting at 14.6km per day.

Current Progress

I am now 43 days in working towards this goal, and I can say maybe that goal is a little low. As of 6th of March I have covered 577.4km with a daily average of 13.4km. At this point that places me reasonably close to achieving the goal. In the past couple of days I have missed getting on the bike twice due to weather. However at the same time I have a long period of cooler temperatures ahead as well.

I want to be somewhat slow to be too optimistic about the current progress. I have found myself keen and motivated up front in the past and come up lacking towards the end of a goal. However, that is part of why I am putting it out here like this, to have some form of public accountability.

Going Forward

Taking an optimistic look at the future of this goal this year, I do entirely believe that I can get there. I think that I have already crossed the first hurdle in ensuring that I achieve this goal. The last two weeks especially have been the hottest this summer in Brisbane. With that being the case I have still maintained a riding routine almost every day.

On the other hand, I do predict that I will be more inclined to get on the bike in winter. So the next six months for me will be an excellent opportunity to take on some longer rides. I do already have a couple of spots planned, and the whole South East Queensland area has many great options. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself, but there could be real potential to achieve the goal well ahead of schedule with winter. But that is something that only time will tell.

There is an excellent chance that with me wanting to get on the bike more often, I will be sharing more of my experience. So keep a watch for a few posts about different riding routes around the place.

Wish Me Luck

I hope that I can fully realise this goal throughout 2018 and there is a way that you can help. If you know me personally or you are connected with me on social media, I would love any support you can offer. Even if that is just asking the question “How is the riding going?”

On another very related note, what are the goals that you are targetting this year? Let me know in the comments below.

Around Brisbane Feature

Taking A Wander Around Wynnum

Wynnum - Bay Terrace

Wynnum is a great area to visit, situated on the shores of Moreton Bay in Brisbane’s Bayside. The area around Wynnum did not take off with settlement until around 1880’s when the train line reached the area. In 1891 the area had a population of just under 700 but grew significantly in the next 20 years to over 2,300. Wynnum became a municipality around 1914 before being absorbed into Brisbane City in 1925.

The same railway line that spurred the growth of the area early on also makes it very easy to visit Wynnum. Wynnum Central Train Station is just off Ronald Street on the edge of the street shopping area.

Wynnum - Train Station

One interesting feature at the train station is a number of the signal or power boxes that are painted. The one on the left in the above photo is the most interesting. I am not certain of the details, as these appear to be a different project to other signal boxes that are painted around Brisbane. But below is a more detailed look at this one.

Wynnum - Painted Train box

Walk Into Wynnum

The walk from the train station into Wynnum is not far at all. If you depart the train station towards Ronald Street, before turning left onto Ronald Street you will soon cross Tingal Road. You will then be walking up Florence Street which is one of four main streets that make up the shopping precinct. The other three are Tingal Road, Bay Terrace and Edith Street.

Wynnum - Signal Boxes

On the corner of Tingal Road and Florence Street is a couple more of the painted traffic signal boxes. You will find boxes like these in a few locations around Wynnum as well as all over Brisbane City. They are part of a program operated by Urban Smart Projects who work with city authorities and artists to provide projects like these in over 20 cities. These are just two, but there have been almost 2000 painted boxes around Brisbane to date, and you can see these in the gallery on the Urban Smart Projects Website.

Wynnum Library

Wynnum - Wynnum Library

One of the newer additions to Wynnum is a centre that houses the Wynnum Library above Woolworths. The Library looks out towards the old Wynnum Central School Building. The school (pictured below) opened in 1896 as Wynnum State School and was eventually closed in 2011 when the school was amalgamated due to low student numbers. The building has since been redeveloped to provide the Wynnum Community Centre.

Wynnum - Former Wynnum Central School

Historic Cannon

Wynnum - Carron M.L. Cannon Circa 1790

Located behind the old Wynnum Central School Building is a rather old Cannon. The Carron M.L. Cannon is rather old and comes from around the year 1790. The cannon is one of 12 which was gifted to Queensland by Queen Victoria and arrived in Queensland in 1862. The cannons were relics that were used in the Napoleonic Wars between 1803 and 1850.

Street Shopping

Wynnum - Street Shopping

Wynnum is still one of those areas that you can take a wander through the streets with shops and businesses lining the footpath. While there are other areas that this is still somewhat possible, few seem to be as large as the area in Wynnum. There is a rather good range of stores that you will find here including Op shops, cafes, bakery, banks, supermarkets, clothing and some other unqiue additions.

Wynnum - Bay Terrace

Wynnum Cafes

The more common reason that I personally find myself visiting Wynnum is for the cafes. There are a few spots that I enjoy visiting from time to time and you might like to stop in for a coffee or bite to eat if you are visiting Wynnum.

Dramanti Artisan Roaster – 94 Tingal Road

Dramanti is a local Brisbane coffee roaster and this is where it all started for them. Originally this was suppose to be where the coffee was roasted, but the cafe got so popular they had to move the roasting to another location. Recently they opened up their roasting location to the public at Morningside. But you can also find their coffee at numerous cafes around Brisbane.

Coffee - Dramanti Artisan Roaster, Wynnum

Florence Street Coffee – 124 Florence Street

I had spotted Florence Street Coffee while walking around Wynnum a couple of times but never took the time to go in. I thought it just looked a little to busy and so I just kept going past. Finally one day I decided to check them out and very glad that I did. The coffee they are serving comes from Marvell Street Coffee Roasters who are located in Byron Bay. The coffee is good and worth a visit if you like good coffee.

Wynnum - Florence Street Coffee

Other Cafes

There are also a couple of others worth mentioning. For those who might be looking to bring their dog, you can find Frenchies on Bay Terrace. Frenchies even cater to your fur friend with a doggie menu. There is also Caffeination Station on Tingal Road and Capacillios Cafe just near to Woolworths and the Wynnum Library. The area is full of cafes and bakeries so why not explore a little.

Why Not Visit Wynnum?

If you are looking for something to do why not take a day to visit Wynnum. There is plenty to take a look at around the area. If you are keen for a little walk there is the Wynnum Foreshore to check out as well. That is another area that I hope to share with you very soon.

Cruising Feature

Cruising & Your Mobile Phone

Cruising and Your Mobile Phone

Eight years ago when I first travelled overseas, a phone was only a secondary consideration. The smartphone as we know it today was still in its infancy, and the ability to get a short-term SIM card in some countries was all but non-existent.

The following year when I decided to take my first cruise the landscape had not changed much. I had explicitly purchased a phone that would hold two SIM cards to allow for an international SIM card and the one from home. However, once I left the United States on that cruise the phone was useless. I could receive text messages and send them at a premium price and if I wanted to make calls at an even higher premium.

In the time between my first cruise in 2011 and my most recent in 2017 things have changed significantly. We have gone from smartphones being in the hands of the minority to not being able to live without them. When you think about heading off on a cruise ship how does this play out? Today I want to try and answer some of those questions you might have about taking a phone with you when cruising.

Cruising deciding to take your Mobile Phone

Is It Worth Taking?

Back in 2011, it was kind of pointless to take your phone with you when cruising. The only reason I carried it with me around the ship was that I wanted something with the time on it and I had opted to travel without a watch. Many other passengers that brought a phone left it in the safe in their cabin while onboard.

Fast forward to now, and there is a long list of reasons why you might like to carry your phone. However, making phone calls and sending text messages are likely not in that list. That is one thing that has not changed the costs that are associated with using your phone.

But there are still some reasons to consider taking your phone with you when you are cruising. With some of them below along with some things to consider while you are away.

Turn Off Mobile Data

The very first consideration when you are travelling on a cruise is to turn off Mobile Data. Mobile data is how your phone connects to the internet, and there are many applications these days that use this connection in the background. Things like e-mail, weather, social media apps and the list goes on.

The costs associated with data on cruise ships are surprisingly expensive. I will include some details on this below. But I would suggest checking with your specific provider before travelling as the costs may change or be different. But I would recommend turning this off to avoid one excessive phone bill when you get home.

How To Turn off Mobile Data on iPhone

  1. Open device settings.
  2. Select the “Mobile” or “Cellular” option.
  3. Make sure the slider for “Mobile Data” or “Cellular Data” is in the off position.

How To Turn off Mobile Data on Android

I understand the below to work for turning off Mobile Data on Android. However, I am not a native Android user so it might be worth checking for your particular device.

  1. Swipe Down from the top of the screen.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Press Data Usage.
  4. Flick the mobile data switch to off.

Only Use On Wifi

While onboard the cruise ship there may be options to use your phone (or other devices) on wifi. While this can be a somewhat lower price than what you might pay for mobile data it is neither free or cheap for the most part. In the past, I have spent anywhere between $100 and $250 for internet access with varying amounts of time included for accessing the internet.

However, more cruise ships are starting to bring many onboard services to a digital medium. My most recent cruise on the Sun Princess in 2017, I was able to check my account, chat with other passengers and review the daily events on my phone using wifi for free.

Watch Your Minutes or Data

If you choose to purchase an internet package while onboard a cruise ship you need to be aware of how much you are using to try and avoid using it to quickly. The cost of onboard internet services is often far from cheap, and the inclusions are usually not that much.

The first cruise that I travelled on I paid $100 for 250 minutes, which averaged to less than 10 minutes per day over 28 days. While my third cruise I paid $250 for 1000 minutes, which averaged around 34 minutes a day. But that is still 25cents a minute and if you forget to log off the minutes can disappear rather quickly.

On the other hand, some cruise lines are starting to offer a more diverse range of packages. Some packages work on the amount of data that you use as opposed to the time that you spend online. A somewhat appealing option when you are on a cruise ship considering that the speed is often not that great. You just have to be aware of what your phone may do in the background that can quickly make the data allowance disappear. So make sure things like auto updates and the like are turned off.

Another option that is starting to appear is the social internet plan. Often these plans will give you some level of access to a select range of social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like.

Cruising - Mobile Phone Social Media

The offers are something that does change significantly from one cruise line to another. So it is worth taking a look at what the company you are travelling with offers. The biggest problem I have found though is that online information can differ to what you find once onboard the ship. So always be prepared for things to be different.

Know How To Log Off

Especially when you are using a plan on a ship that limits how many minutes you are connected you need to know how to log off. It is better to take some time and find this out before you get connected. Usually, the information is readily available, but if you don’t understand take the time and ask the Internet Manager. It is better to know up front than to be trying to find someone to show you want to do while the minutes are ticking away.

Another little tip is to find ways to do things without being logged on to the internet while onboard. For example, if you are going to check your email, connect to the internet and download your email and disconnect the internet. You can then read your email and write replies while disconnected. Finally, connect to the internet to send your responses. You can save plenty of time by taking this approach as opposed to writing responses while connected.

Onboard Websites

Most cruise lines are starting to offer websites that are available while you are onboard. The sites will provide a range of different services but are designed to try and make things easier.

You might find you can check your cruise account, chat with other passengers, view the daily activities, book shore excursions, or numerous other options depending on the cruise line. These websites are often free to access and only require a wifi connection.

In some cases, you may even be able to access modified versions of news websites for free onboard. However, it will vary considerably between cruise lines and sometimes even between ships.

Know the costs

If you are taking your mobile phone with you on your cruise, it is essential that you know what it is going to cost if you use it. Phone providers might be starting to offer much better international roaming deals but this rarely cover usage onboard cruise ships.

They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but in this instance, the saying knowledge is power is much more appropriate. I do want to give you a little look at some potential costs below. But with hundreds of telecommunication companies around the world, everyone may be different. So I urge you to do a little research with your company.

 Carrier  Make & Receive Calls  Send Text Message Data
 Telstra  $5.00 per minute  75 cents per message  $3.00 per MB
 Vodaphone  $5.00 per minute  75 cents per message  $1.00 per MB
 Optus  $4.00 per minute  $1.00 per message  $2.00 per MB

Some of the prices may differ a little but either way, you look at you are paying a lot of money. So the basic thought from my point of view is unless it is an emergency avoid using your phone.

Now You Know

I hope that I have helped you to better understand and prepare for taking your phone on a cruise, without scaring you too much. The reality is that knowing this sort of information is the best defence against being caught out by it.

Coffee Feature

Coffee, Helps Me Adult – Week 9, 2018

Coffee - Coconut Coffee House, Ormiston

It is getting close to 18 months since I first started truly exploring what is out there in the way of coffee. Over this time I have learned a significant amount about coffee, some of which has taken time to discovered. While other aspects I had never thought about watching until recently.

One aspect was to keep a diary of the cafes that I visit and what it costs me for my coffee. While I have considered sharing the pages from this diary directly, I am not sure it would be that beneficial. However, there is one number that I thought might be interesting to some people. That number is the average price that I pay for a cup of coffee.

The lowest price that I have paid for a cup of coffee is $3.00, with the highest being $4.70. However, the average price of all my cups of coffee this year to date is $3.85. The most common price that I seem to pay is either $3.50 or $4.00.

Monday, 26th February 2018

The Park Cafe

Location – 1A/5-11 Jardine Drive, Redland Bay QLD

Coffee – Wolff Coffee Roasters

Coffee - The Park Cafe, Redland Bay

When you visit a lot of different coffee shops there are bound to be some that close and new ones that open. The location of The Park Cafe in the Redlands Business Park is one of the places that this has happened. I visited a cafe that was at this location some time ago, and towards the end of last year found out it had closed. But at the same time, I also found a sign that said a new cafe was opening in the new year.

I kept my eye on the spot and soon enough The Park Cafe opened for business. So I stopped in to try them out and was instantly a fan when I saw they were using Wolff Coffee. Since the first visit, I have been back once or twice and will keep on going back when I want a coffee without going too far afield.

Tuesday, 27th February 2018

Seed Coffee

Location – 17/15 Limestone Road, Ipswich, QLD.

Coffee – Supreme Roasters

Coffee - Seed Coffee, Ipswich

One morning when I was heading out to Warwick with some friends I wanted to have a coffee on the way. Of course, since they don’t particularly like coffee and it matters much more to me it was up to me to find a good spot. So I just searched for the best coffee in Ipswich. Soon enough I had results that suggest Seed Coffee so that was our target. Honestly this happens to be the first spot I have visited for coffee in Ipswich, so I am going to have to get back out here and try to confirm that title as best in Ipswich for myself.

Wednesday, 28th February 2018

Morning After

Location – 57 Vulture Street, West End, QLD

Coffee – Five Senses + Roast By Yili

Coffee - Morning After, West End

As you get in closer to Brisbane you are spoiled not just for a choice of cafes by a choice of great coffee. While Morning After is one of my favourite cafes in the area it is also sometimes a little difficult to get a table. I think in part because they do have a rather good choice of coffee from both Five Senses and Roast By Yili. To avoid the challenges of getting a table on the weekend I do try and get in on a weekday when I can. But that still leaves me with the struggle of choosing which coffee for the morning.

Thursday, 1st March 2018

Deb’s Coffee

Location – 4b/100 Donald Road, Redland Bay QLD

Coffee – The Coffee Roaster

Coffee - Deb's Coffee, Redland Bay

Spending some time in the area local to home recently I decided to try a cafe towards the southern end of Redland Bay. The cafe is called Deb’s Coffee, Cakes & Protein Shakes and is in a small group of shops in the suburb. I stuck with just the coffee for my visit which comes from The Coffee Roaster. They roast the coffee in West End and use an air roasting method over the more traditonal coffee roasting options.

Friday, 2nd March 2018

The Little Green Room Cafe

Location – 43 Gladstone Road, Highgate Hill, QLD

Coffee – Campos

Coffee - The Little Green Room Cafe, Highgate Hill

Having visited a cafe over the road from The Little Green Room a couple of times I decided to come and try this spot. They are serving coffee from Campos, which is one of my favourite more branded coffees. The reason is that it just seems to be more consistent in the flavour and body when you drink it at different cafes. The cafe here is quite nice and you do not even notice that you are just off a main road for the most part.

Saturday, 3rd March 2018

Coconut Coffee House

Location – 2/20 Shore St West, Ormiston, QLD.

Coffee – Byron Bay Coffee company.

Coffee - Coconut Coffee House, Ormiston

When I started drinking coffee I had still been sticking to the one cafe for the most part. However, people I knew in Cleveland kept telling me how good the coffee was at the Coconut Coffee House. Well once I got started on visiting different cafes, I made sure to stop in and give it a try.

Since the first visit, I have been back a number of times and must say that I agree it is quite good coffee. The coffee comes from Byron Bay Coffee Company and is quite nice especially as a long black. They also do have some rather friendly staff that are there ready to get you your caffine fix.

Sunday, 4th March 2018

Pomeroy’s Coffee Roasters

Location – Capri on via Roma Shopping Complex, Isle of Capri, QLD.

Coffee – Roasted In House.

Coffee - Pomeroy's, Isle of Capri

Pomeroy’s Coffee Roasters have two different locations and I have been to both on a number of occasions. Their location on the Isle of Capri is a great little spot, while it is not big, they do have a few tables and a coffee roaster tucked away in the back. The coffee is always good with a number of different beans to choose from. While you are here it is also nice to walk around the other stores in this area with a selection of fresh produce and restaurants complementing each other.


I would love to know if you have been following along with my weekly coffee updates? Do you watch for the update (which comes every Monday at 6 am Australian Eastern Standard Time) or is this the first time you have found one of these updates?


Travel Explored Week 9 Round Up

Travel Explored Week 9 Round Up

If I had to use one word to describe this week it would be “trying” to say the least. There has been no big issue that is beyond solving, but a series of challenges have been sent my way.

The greatest challenge has been my technology and it is something that has been building. My MacBook Pro which has served me well for nearly six years increased its speed of decline. While it had been playing up a little off and on for the past month or so, just doing some weird things. The past week they have been much more frequent leaving me with significant downtime.

That is not to say that I do not have alternatives, such as right now I am writing this on my iPad waiting for the shops to open. I also do have another laptop which is a PC but there is again significant lost time trying to transition between platforms. With the additional challenge of trying to find the files I need and having the applications up to date to work on them.

Honestly, though these are rather small issues in comparison to some of the problems in the world. But when they are happening to you they do seem much bigger than they actually are. Anyway, even with the challenges, you might have noticed the posts are still coming and there is a full round-up below if you need to catch up.

New Content

Monday, 26th February 2018
Instant Productivity: Just Add Coffee – Week 8, 2018

Coffee - Ivy & Lark, Chermside

The week started off covering the coffee spots that I enjoyed sharing in the previous week. Having developed that taste for coffee I do quite enjoy writing and sharing this post. I am so often amazing at the number of places that I come across with great coffee. In this post I have featured, Black Lab Coffee, Peaches Café, Ivy & Lark, Let Minnow, Bruno’s BNE, Street Lab Specialty Coffee & Goodness Gracious. Let me know if you have checked out any of these spots yourself.

Tuesday, 27th February 2018
Dealing With The Weather When Travelling

Weather - Rain

Over the past couple of weeks, the weather in Brisbane has been a bit of a mixed bag. There have been days of solid rain with a months worth of rain in one day. Mixed in with days that are scorching hot and all you want to do is climb into the refrigerator. But with the changing weather, it got me thinking about the weather I have experienced when travelling and how it affected my plans.

Wednesday, 28th February 2018
A Walk Around The Point at Victoria Point

Victoria Point - Jetty

In the past, I have not put a whole lot of thought into the idea of sharing about local areas. It is also a topic that I shared a post on Friday this week about. I just purely have found myself seeing the area I live as more utility than of interest to anyway. So recently I have been changing my perception on that and here is a little bit of my local area.

Thursday, 1 March 2018
When Cruising Do I Have To Go Ashore?

Early start for first port of call on Panama Canal Cruise

Cruising is one form of travel that I do very much enjoy, but in the past, I have shared not much more than just the destinations that I visit and the ships I have travelled on. So I now am looking to try and share some more of what I have learnt from cruising through trying to answer a few questions that I think people might like to know the answers to. In this post I cover my experience with when I have had to disembark in a port and when it is not essential.

Friday, 2 March 2018
The Challenges of Sharing Home

Albert Einstein Quote

The time that we spend in a place can very much affect the perception that we cast upon it. However, recently I have been considering that when I travel I am visiting someone else’s every day. So if I can find something interesting or exciting in someone else’s everyday location, there must also be that interest in my own everyday locations. I go into it a little deeper in this post, but it is also the reason why you have been seeing some more posts from around my local area recently.

Saturday, 3 March 2018
The Challenges of Technology

The challenges of Technology

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph above, this week has been a bad week for me and technology. So I wanted to share a little post covering how I have faced the challenges and take you through my experience. I know it is a little off the regular topic but thought that some people might find it of interest.

What I am Reading

I often find it difficult to get this section together, just because there is so much great stuff out there. Then I stop and think do I share the books I am reading, podcasts I listen to, or just the articles and posts from the web. For the moment I am sticking with the posts from the web, to ensure it is accessible to everyone reading.

Carry-on Only: Minimalist Packing List

Although I have flirted with the idea of travelling with only carry-on luggage, I am just not sure I could handle it. The post on Burger Abroad covers a packing list, but I am not sure how I would go at even fitting that much in a carry-on. But I also have a couple of different technology items that push my carry-on weight limit. Such as the 15″ MacBook and a Digital SLR.

Ireland – 50 Shades of Green, Blue & Beer

One place that has been on my list of places to travel for some time is Ireland. I am still not entirely certain why it is on my list, but it is likely something to do with the countryside. It is nothing to do with the Beer though, as I do not drink, so I am not sure if I was to visit how well I would fit in. But this was an interesting start to reading about the country and looks like there could be plenty more to come in this post at Nomadic Lives Blog.

Rethinking Overtourism in Lisbon

The city of Lisbon was the first place that I visited in Europe after crossing the Atlantic as part of a cruise. That was in 2012 so sometime before this piece was written. However, one thing that I noticed at the time in the city was something akin to a difficulty of being a foreign tourist in the city. Ticket machines were difficult to get into English, many attractions closed early and a few other little things. I am not sure if it has changed since then so much, but this article was an interesting look at turning around the idea of Overtourism. Something that came to mind for me in other areas, and how the locals live with the number of tourists visiting certain areas and cities at times.

Thank You

I hope that you have enjoyed the posts through this week and as usual, would like to invite you to suggest any topics you would like to see. You can either leave a comment below, contact me directly or leave a comment on any of my social media. Finally a big thank you for reading and if you have enjoyed any of the posts I would love for you to share them with your friends if you think that will bring them value.

Feature Lifestyle

The Challenges of Technology

The challenges of Technology

Over the past month, I have faced more than a few challenges with my Technology. Primarily the issues have surrounded my MacBook Pro and it finally got to the point that I had to take some action. Being that the computer is nearly six years old, I was not prepared to spend any more money on it. So the only option was to look at the possibilities for a new computer.

A New MacBook Pro

When it comes to looking for a computer to replace my current MacBook Pro, I knew I would be looking at Apple again. I do own a PC Laptop, but after so many years using Mac OSX I find it somewhat tricky going back to a PC.

There was a little time spent researching my options more so based on Price on Tuesday night. With an excursion to both the Apple store and some other stores on Wednesday morning. I had some ideas of what I wanted, but through the outing, I discovered another model that might just work for me. I spent much of Wednesday night watching reviews on Youtube about the model I found.

The specific model I found was the mid-2015 MacBook Pro 15″, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 (quad-core), 16GB memory, 256GB SSD & Intel Iris Pro Graphics. Even though this was an older mid-2015 model, it has still been a current model until very recently, from what I can tell.

The other options I was considering were all 13″ MacBook Pros. The biggest difference was the processor which was an Intel Core i5 (dual-core) and the amount of memory installed as standard at 8GB. While the processor did not concern me as much, I was very much looking for 16GB of memory. In the 13″ models this would have added another AUD $300 to the price, which would have made one model the same as the 15″ version and one still a little cheaper.

I opted to go for the 15″ version in the end, but that was the next step of the challenge. The stock availability was not great, but after a little calling around from the store, I visited soon had one secured.

The Transition

Having spent the last five and half years using the same computer, it has been a long time since I have transitioned between computers. So it was an experience that I have not had to carry out for some time. But I am trying to make it a somewhat purposeful process for me as well.

Even though I have maintained a time machine backup on my previous MacBook, I opted not to restore this to the new one. In favour of taking an approach to bringing in only what I need when I need it. In the beginning, this is going to cause me some challenges as I discover files I need that are on another drive and finding them. But I think in the long term this is the best approach to build new more focused systems.

Likewise, with the installation of software. I have been very purpose driven behind what I install. I will discuss this a little more in a section below.

Password, Usernames & Favourites

One of the biggest downfalls that I have come across in the transition is passwords, usernames and favourites. I got very used to having them saved for use in the computer. So in the last 48 hours, there has been a lot of guessing which password and username work for which sites. With quite a few visits to the Forgot Password link on websites. Thankfully as part of this process, I am taking some steps to keep some form of record for this. Although that is not a process, I will talk about, for some level of security to it.

One of the biggest loses I see at the moment is the internet favourites. While they are very likely in the time machine backup, I am not sure if I can extract just these, something I need to take a look at still. I think there is probably only a small handful that I would be disappointed to lose. But if I cannot recover them, that is no big loss.


One aspect of changing computers that I remember from the past was all the applications that I would install. Before switching to Apple with my last MacBook Pro, I was somewhat well practised at moving to a new computer. So much so that I had a list of applications I would just work on installing. Of which I rarely if ever used more than about half of them.

In getting started with this new computer, I have worked to install the least number of applications I can. There are a handful of background applications that I installed, including Rescue Time, Setapp and Dropbox. The other applications that I choose to install are based on what I use all the time. These included Google Chrome, Ulysses, Microsoft Office & Adobe applications (Photoshop, Lightroom, Premier & Audition).

Good Practices

Through a lot of the transition to a new computer, I am trying to put in place some good practices. Things like not installing software just because I can, not copying every single file I have and creating better workflows.

Be Purposeful

One aspect of this is trying to be purposeful in how I approach things. You can see this above in the applications that I have installed. I install each one because it is something that I frequently use, not just because it is on a list of applications that I own. The same with how I work with files, 80% of the data I had on the computer before I handly use. Especially now that I am working with a smaller hard drive, I need to be mindful of how I use the storage space.

Being purposeful with how you approach many aspects of using a computer can be extremely useful to many people I think. The more data and applications you have the more time you are going to spend trying to find the things you need.

Keep Records

Another aspect of what I am trying to do in moving to the new computer is to keep better records. Some of it is things like passwords and usernames. But there are also other things like the export settings in Lightroom and the watermark that I use. Along with many other little things that I am sure to come across as I go along.

Keep On Moving

Even though I have had a rough week with Technology this week, I am trying not to let that slow me down. You will see on Sunday in the weekly roundup there was still a full week or content. Which will include this post, which is the first piece of content that I am writing on the new computer, less than 24 hours after making the purchase.

Feature Inspiration

The Challenges of Sharing Home

Albert Einstein Quote

If you were to take a look back through this blog you will find hundreds of posts covering dozens of destinations. Posts that talk about other countries, cities, and travelling all over the place. But it has not been until much more recently that I have started to share a little about the area and city that I live in.

To be entirely honest it is a topic that I have found in the past very difficult to share. Not because there is nothing to share, but because it is home and I see it in a much different way.

Seeing The World

There is something that I have found to see entirely different when I travel and when I am at home. When I am travelling I find that I see just about everything as something of interest. Even everyday things when I am travelling seems to bring out a sense of interest to me. Everything is new and different and makes me want to look and explore.

When I get home and live in the area I call home I see it much more in a fashion of utility. These are places that I am around all the time and while there is a beauty I just see it as home. I have lived in the same area for some thirty years now. In the past, I have struggled to see it, in the same way, I would a new city that I might travel through.

Looking Through New Eyes

There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as thought everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein

I recently became aware of the above quote through a podcast that I listen to (Impact Theory Podcast). The quote definitely has come to give me a different perspective on a few things in my life. However, one of those things very much relates to how I see the world around me whether I am travelling or at home.

When I am travelling I find myself looking at everything with wonder and amazement. But in reality, everywhere I travel is just someone else’s, home, town, city or country. What I am looking at with wonder and amazement someone else looks at with the everyday utility that I look around at home. I do wonder what some people must think when they see tourists in their city. Where I see something new, they see something the same as they have seen it every day for the last fifty years.

It took some time but a thought began to occur to me. What if I was to look at where I live through the same eyes that I use when I travel. I thought it might just work to help me see where I live and better appreciate the area. With better appreciation, I thought maybe I might be able to capture and share it with the world. In many ways like I was travelling there and sharing any other destination, I have travelled to.

The Results

You have been getting to see some of this change of mindset, or me seeing things through different eyes recently. There have been a number of posts that have explored the areas that I live and visit often. I hope that you have been enjoying them, but if you have missed any here are a couple to check out.

Cleveland Point

Cleveland Point - Old Cleveland Lighthouse

Manly Harbour Village

Manly Harbour Village Walk

Victoria Point Recreation Reserve

How Do You Live Your Life?

When it comes to the quote by Albert Einstein, How do you live your life? Do you see everything as a miracle or nothing as a miracle? What would happen if you decided to see everything as a miracle? Would be interested in your thoughts in the comments below.

Cruising Feature

When Cruising Do I Have To Go Ashore?

28 Day Panama Canal Cruise

There is a question that comes up on occasions when talking about cruising. It is a question that does not seem quite as silly as you might think when you first hear it. The question of “Do I have to go ashore when we are in port?”

In most cases, the answer is a very simple “no.” However just like every answer there always a time that the regular answer does not apply. But let’s take a look at a couple of examples that I have experience or friends have followed.

Sometimes Leaving The Ship Is Mandatory

Before getting into other examples I will say that yes there have been times that it is a requirement to leave the ship in a port. The ports that this occurs in are generally few and far between and it is often an immigration requirement more than anything else.

In some 40 or so port calls while cruising there have only been two instances where I was required to leave the cruise ship. Of course, I did leave the ship in every port, in some way. The two instances were in Fort Lauderdale and Barcelona.

On my first cruise, the halfway point was Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Since the ship had visited multiple ports in Central America, we were essentially re-entering the United States. What this means is that every passenger had to pass through the US Customs. Even if you were continuing onboard the ship you still had to disembark to pass through this check. In some ways, I am glad this happened, as I had planned to stay onboard for the day. But while waiting in line met some people who I end up spending the day exploring Fort Lauderdale.

Fort Lauderdale - USA

The second time was on my third cruise when the ship arrived at Barcelona. Essentially, the reason behind the requirement to disembark was the same. However, it seemed to be more a formality than any stringent process. I say this because the ship had already visited multiple ports in Europe and Spain before arriving in Barcelona. But I suppose they have to designate somewhere as the entry point to Europe for such purposes.

Barcelona - Catalonia Square

Staying Onboard is Just Fine

There have been days when cruising when I have spent the vast majority of a port day onboard the ship. One that comes back vividly is the city of Acapulco in Mexico and another was Antigua in Guatemala. In saying that I did spend some time off the ship in both ports.

When I visited Acapulco, I was not keen on heading out into the town after hearing stories from fellow passengers. There had been a number of passengers who when heading for the old town had people try and lure them down alleyways with offers of directions. Being a solo traveller I was not keen to test my luck and opted for a short walk around the terminal and a drink in a restaurant in the cruise terminal. In total spending probably less than 1 hour off the ship.

Acapulco - Mexico

The story was rather similar in Guatemala. It was Good Friday there was not much close to the cruise dock except for a small market and a bar/restaurant. I took a short walk around the port area and had a drink in the restaurant before returning to the cruise ship. Again I spent maybe an hour off the ship.

In comparison, a friend I cruised with in February 2017 opted to stay on board for the majority of the cruise. There end up being four port calls on the cruise and she only left the ship for a short walk around the markets in one port.

It Is Your Holiday

Just remember that when you cruise it is your holiday. There is no one there saying that you must get off the ship and explore the port. While there may be the occasional port where you must go ashore due to immigration requirements. Ok and maybe that very last port when you must leave the ship to go home. Every other port it is generally your choice to go ashore or stay onboard. Of course, though remember to enjoy your cruise.

Around Brisbane Feature

A Walk Around The Point at Victoria Point

Victoria Point - Jetty

The suburb of Victoria Point has been home for somewhere around thirty years now for me. In the past, I have often focused on faraway places and destinations that I have travelled. However, recently I have been trying to share a little more of the areas that I live and visit frequently.

Even though I have lived in Victoria Point for so long I had to look up what the area was called that I commonly refer to as “The Point.” The official name is Victoria Point Recreation Reserve. It can be a little surprising the little key points that you miss when you get familiar with an area.

Victoria Point Recreation Reserve

The area covered by Victoria Point Recreation Reserve is located at the eastern end of Colburn Ave. The area contains a number of facilities, for both park and bay uses. You can find a boat ramp and trailer parking, ferry terminal, picnic tables, BBQ’s, toilets, playground and paths.

Boat Ramp

Victoria Point - Boat Ramp

For those who enjoy getting out on the water, the boat ramp at Victoria Point Recreation Reserve is very popular. Especially on weekend days, the area can get very busy with boaties. As you can see it is a rather beautiful spot to be putting your boat in for a day on Moreton Bay.

The boat ramp access here though also leads me to one other thing to keep in mind, the issue of parking. It is an ongoing problem with a lot of parking allocated to trailer parking at times. So if you are visiting the area make sure you read the signs carefully to make sure you are parking in the correct area.

Victoria Point Ferry Terminal

Victoria Point - Jetty

If you want to visit Coochiemudlo Island you are going to be visiting the Victoria Point Ferry Terminal. In recent years the jetty at Victoria Point and Coochiemudlo Island have undergone major upgrades. The upgrades have improved all weather and tidal access at both locations.

Coochiemudlo Island

Victoria Point - Coochiemudlo Island

Although not part of Victoria Point Recreation Reserve, it is worth a mention here. The island is less than 1 kilometre from the mainland, and at low tide, you almost get the feeling you could walk across. However, due to a channel that is not physically possible. Although, it would be interesting to know just how small the gap is.

If you are planning to visit Victoria Point Recreation Reserve you could consider a morning or afternoon trip to Coochiemudlo Island. It has been some time since I last visited and that was a rather wet day. But the island is around 5km to walk around, there are a few cafes, even a 9-hole golf course. I will be making a day of it soon and making a visit so will share that with you in the future.

Bay Views

Victoria Point - Bay Views

One of the other great things about a visit to Victoria Point Recreation Reserve is the views of the bay. In the photo above you can see the view to the south looking towards Redland Bay. While the photo of the boat ramp above looks more to the north towards Point O’Halloren and Cleveland. At high tide, the view is rather nice, while low tide does bring some mud flats.

Picnic Time

If you have come for the day there are quite a number of picnic tables around the reserve. These ones are positioned throughout the trees at the top of the reserve. However, there are some waterfront ones just to the south of the boat ramp. Or another popular option is to reverse park along the water and use the back of the car.


Victoria Point - Playground

Of course, you cannot forget about the kids when you visit such an area. There is a small playground for the kids here. The area is not of great interest to me, but it does seem to keep the kids amused at times. Other than the playground there is not much for the children here as it is not a great location for swimming. If you are looking for that it might be better to visit Thompson’s Beach just a little over 1 kilometre back up Colburn Ave.

Come For a Visit

If you have liked what you see of Victoria Point Recreation Reserve, why not come for a visit? It is a lovely piece of the world right on the edge of Moreton Bay.

Feature Travel Tips

Dealing With The Weather When Travelling

Weather - Rain

The topic of the weather is often one of those great topics that help to fill an awkward pause in the conversation. But thankfully that is not the reason for this post today. Over the past week in Brisbane, the weather has been somewhat dismal with multiple days of rain. Which all up left me changing my plans on a couple of days.

The recent weather in Brisbane though got me thinking about how I have handled the weather when I have been travelling. For the most part, I have experienced reasonably good weather for most of my travels. There have been days here and there that have been less than favourable, but generally, I have done what I can to make the most of it.

My Experiences With Weather

Often the weather is not something that I particularly remember. In reality, there has not been a single day that I can recall the weather stopped me at least getting out and seeing something. But there have been days that I can remember the weather did affect how I did things.

Vancouver Rain

Right back at the beginning of my first overseas trip, I visited the city of Vancouver. Throughout the ten days that I was in Vancouver, I believe there was some sort of rain on all but a couple of days. Although I did not believe I even thought of packing an umbrella, it was one of the first things I purchased.

But I never let the rain spoil my time or leave me stuck in my hotel room. It was not heavy rain by any means and having an umbrella solved any big problems. Mostly I was able to duck between awnings or find something to do in one spot between breaks in the rain.

Weather - Vancouver Capilano Suspension Bridge

The most memorable day was a visit to the Capilano Suspension Bridge. The rain was a little heavier in the morning but I still decided to take the time to go for a look. The rain stayed away for the most part and it seems so did the people. Which made it much easier to explore the area, without the crowds.

Iceland Snow

I had no doubts when I was to visit Iceland that it would be cold. My visit was down for that time between winter and summer, that could be either way on temperature. I was prepared for the cold and it was not an issue as long as I kept moving outside.

Weather - Iceland Snow

But my visit to Iceland was also the first time that I actually got to experience snow falling. It was not a blizzard by any means, and if you take a look at the picture above it is very little, but it was still snow. Of course from my point of view, it was much more interesting to get out there and experience it than stop me doing anything. There was more chance that the cold temperature might have stopped me, but it didn’t.

Texas Storms

One sort of weather that you don’t want to get caught out in is a storm. The only time I can remember this being a problem was one day when I was in Fort Worth, Texas. I was seeing the area with a friend who lived locally and we had some outdoor things planned.

Weather - Fort Worth Storm

The plans changed when we were heading to the car and could see the dark grey clouds building. She suggested we find something indoors instead. Thankfully she knew the area and we soon arrived at a museum. It was within minutes of entering that the storm hit. Even though it only lasted 15-20 minutes, we were very glad to be stuck indoors and not outdoors.

Melbourne Weather

One of the worst times that I have had with weather is in the city of Melbourne, Australia. They say that it is the sort of city that can experience four seasons in one day. While I have not seen four seasons myself I have experienced the drastic changes that can occur.

Weather - Melbourne Ferry

The last visit to Melbourne there were days that went from a warm morning to heavy wind and rain in the day and ending with a mild evening. The wind even managed to push the tide high enough to break the banks of the Yarra River. Definitely can be an interesting experience. But again it was not one that stopped me getting out and experiencing the area.

Whether To Stay In Or Go Out

To date, I have been pretty happy with the way things have gone weather wise. I have not had to truly huddle down in the hotel room through the wild weather. But at the same time, I know that you have to make the decision based on the weather you are experiencing. There is no way that travelling or not that I would put myself at risk just to do some sightseeing if the weather was severe.

Often the point of weather around travel is either under or overplayed. I have seen so many people complain about being put out by a little rain. But at the same time, many people who have ended up stuck in the hotel through a cyclone not say a word. If you are sensible, pay attention to forecasts and make good decisions you can be accepting of whichever way your holiday goes.

How Do You Handle Weather When Travelling?

I would like to know how you handle the weather when you are travelling? At the first sign of rain are you staying in the hotel room? Or does it take something much more severe to keep you inside?

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