When you have owned a camera and taken it with you a lot, one thing you end up with is a lot of photographs. With the purchase of my new computer earlier this year I have now allocated a hard drive just for storing photos. Which currently holds around 27,000 images, from travels, wanderings and everything in between. While this is probably less than half of my actual pictures, it is quite a number to manage at times. I have a lot more on other backup drives which were used to save space on my computer.
Over the time I have been taking these photos there are so many that I have just never got around to sharing. Of course, many images are also not worth sharing, either too dark, too bright, or who knows why I even bothered to take the photo. But there are also some gems tucked away in there as well, that I would like to dig out and share.
On This Day
So I have decided to start sharing some of these images with you from time to time. The series will be called “On This Day” and will include a photo from the specific date in a previous year. I will also share a little about the image from what I can remember. There is always a chance that I might not remember a whole lot, but often I have other photos around the time that will help me along.
The one key thing I will mention is that this will not be every day, that might get boring quickly. So what I plan to do is just put one in every week or so, and I will try and mix up the days of the week to keep it interesting.
On This Day 24th April – Mooloolaba Beach Sunrise
Today I am taking you back to the 24th of April 2015. On this day I was in Mooloolaba Queensland where I was staying for three nights. I recently revisited the location, and you can read a little in my recent post about Mooloolaba.
I have stayed in Mooloolaba a couple of times now, and there are a couple of things that I like about the area. But the main one is just how close you are to the beach in many of the hotels. Even though the hotel I chose was not right on the beach, it was a two-minute walk at most.
On this day I was up early to catch the sunrise, and it was quite a beautiful one at that. It sits somewhere in the middle of my scale of magnificent sunrises. The location gives it a particular look over a rather calm ocean on this particular morning. To the left of the image, it might look like a sea monster. But, in fact, that is a group of swimmers from the nearby surf life-saving club.
What Do You Think?
I plan to run with this idea for a little while, sharing some past images. But, I would love to know your thoughts. Do you like the idea, hate the idea or think that I could do something a bit different with it. Why not let me know in the comments below or get in touch with the contact page.