
Travel Explored – Week In Review

Travel Explore - Week In Review

Today it is time to take a look back at the week that has just passed on Travel Explored. There have been some great new posts this week that I hope you have had a chance to read. But if not they are all below, plus coming up next week is the last post covering my time in New Zealand in 2015.

Unlike the last couple of weeks this week there have not been anything like the sunrises I captured and shared. In fact even though I have been up and about early most days, there was not a lot to capture.

Over the next week I hope to be getting out with the camera again. We will have to see if it is sunrise or sunset or something completely different. The following week there is going to be a little bit of a trip to the area around the Sunshine Coast. A great area for a short trip from Brisbane or even spend more time if you are coming from interstate or overseas. I will be looking to share a little bit from that area as well, so looking forward to that.

New Content

Monday 08 May 2017
Exploring Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch - Governors Bay
Back in 2015, I visited the city of Christchurch in New Zealand as part of a two-week trip. At the time I did not get to write a post about my time in Christchurch, but not that is rectified with this post. I explored a good portion of the city, but there is still plenty to see the next time I visit.

Wednesday 10 May 2017
Advice For Planning A Long Overseas Trip

My Advice for Planning a Long Overseas Trip
Planning a short one or two week holiday is often easy. You might visit one destination and just need one return flight, one hotel, and the like. However, planning a longer overseas trip can be a little more tricky. You may need multiple flights and hotels and then there is a matter of what to do in each place you visit. I take a look at some of the aspects that I have considered in planning my own trips.

Friday 12 May 2017
2 Ways I Avoid Jet Lag When Travelling

Avoid Jet Lag
For many people, Jet Lag is a fact of travelling, but it can sometimes be avoided. I have found that I have had little impact from Jet Lag by taking a little bit of an unusual approach to how I sleep and when I sleep.

What I’m Reading

While it looks like I share a lot of content myself, I do also get a chance to read other people’s blogs as well. Below are just a couple of posts I found interesting and wanted to share with you.

Touring A Coffee Farm In Boquete, Panama

For anyone that has been following my blog or Instagram for a while, you might know that I enjoy coffee. So when I discovered this recap of a tour around a coffee farm in Panama I was very interested in having a read.

11 Things To Do On A Sunny Day In Northern Ireland

Ireland is definitely a place on my list to visit someday, maybe even in the next couple of years. So while not a lot to look at visually there are a couple of nice ideas to consider here.

17 Unique Cafes In Asia To Visit In 2017

While it mentioned cafes it is I guess another link back to coffee. I seem to really be getting more and more drawn to the coffee theme here. Anyway, there are some interesting cafes on this list, although some that I might not be quite as interested in.

Instagram Top Posts

Coming Next Week

Here is a short teaser for the following week on the upcoming posts. If you have any requests or thoughts on what you would like to read feel free to get in touch via the Contact Me page.

Exploring Wellington, New Zealand

The last city that I visited when I travelled to New Zealand in 2015 was the city of Wellington. It was another city that I had not managed to write a post about and I have finally got around to rectify this.

Don’t Plan An Early Start Without A Plan

On too many occasions when I have travelled I find myself getting started much later than I would like. I love to get an early start though so it comes down to trying to build processes to help get started early.

Budget Ideas When Shopping For Souvenirs

When travelling it can be rather easy to get caught up spending a lot of money on Souvenirs. I have probably spent a little more than needed in the past. But have some ideas that might help you avoid overspending on your next trip.

Enjoy The Weekend

I hope that you have enjoyed the new posts this week. If you have any suggestions, feedback or questions I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below or use the contact me page to get in touch directly.

Travel Tips

5 Steps To More Travel In Your Life

Enjoy Travel Tropical Island

To some people, the idea of travelling is a built in nature, almost like it is just a part of the day to day life. However, for other people travel does not come quite so easy. The act of travelling is not difficult, but the mental aspect of doing what is needed to plan, book and go might hold you back.

Today’s post though is for those people who just need that little nudge. Just a push in the right direction to get their travel dreams out of their head and into reality. If you are the sort of person that travels all the time, share this post with your friends who need to travel. If you are someone that does not travel much if at all, have a read and see if you can move just one step forward.

1. Dream

Dream To Travel

No matter who you are or where you want to travel it all starts with a dream. Well, it may start before this, but for you, the first time you realise that you want to travel it is dreaming of being somewhere different.

One day you might be thinking about life and suddenly realise you are thinking about visiting Japan or America. At first, you might brush the thought aside, but that thought that dream keeps popping into your mind.

It can be rather easy though to have multiple dreams that seem to be conflicting or wanting you to go everywhere all at once. It can sometimes take a little bit of work to pull out just which destination is the most prominent. But once you have got it, hold on to it for the next step.

2. Plan

At some point, you will need to start taking action on your dreams. A great time to do this is when one particular dream might start showing up in your thoughts over and over again. You may not even realise it, but instead of a whole lot of random places, suddenly one seems to stand out more.

At this point, you will want to start doing a little more to start working out just how you want to approach this. There are lots of questions that you can ask to try and get some more firm details down on paper.

– Where do you want to go?
– Is it somewhere local or far?
– Is it just one place or multiple places?
– How do you want to get there?
– Is it possible to be creative with the trip?
– Could you go via cruise ship?
– Do you want to go for a week or a month?
– Would you prefer a hostel or a hotel?
– Do you want to explore everything or just focus on one aspect of the area?
– How much time do you have?
– How much can you budget for the trip?
– Do you need to think about your family?
– Is there someone that would travel with you?
– Is this something you must do alone?
– Will there be a particular time of year you need to be there?
– Would an organised tour be better than exploring alone?

I could potentially keep going with more questions. But there is a good chance that you might already be getting overwhelmed. The great thing about the planning step is that you have all the time you need to work through it.

3. Book

Booking The Trip

Once you have taken some time and planned where it is you want to go. How you want to get there. Where you might like to say. How much you can afford and how long you want to go for. Then it comes down to booking it.

The third step is one that can be the most challenging for people because it is where it starts getting real. When you start taking steps to book your holiday in and start having to pay money to secure each of the aspects.

While you might have taken your time on the planning step. If you are ready to go, I will urge you not to hold back on the booking stage. I have planned a couple too many trips that just have not eventuated because I failed to book them.

Instead of having the plan in place and booking them I held back. There were various reasons, some more valid than others. In the end most of them I missed the chance. The good deal I found was gone, the price had gone up, the opportunity was time sensitive, and I missed it.

Ultimately if you are now ready to travel and you have planned a trip. Do what you need to do and get it booked.

4. Go

Go and Travel

The plan is in place, and the tickets and accommodation are booked. There is still a little bit to do, but that is all relatively easy stuff. You have to pack your bag and get yourself to the airport.

You have come this far there is a whole great big adventure ahead of you. Exploring and discovering a new place that you have seen in your dreams, brochures and on the internet. But now you get to go and get to experience it for yourself.

5. Enjoy

Enjoy Travel Tropical Island

The truth this last step should not be needed, it should go without saying. Once you are on the journey just enjoy the holiday. It is easy to find problems or things to make it seem hard or difficult. But seriously look at where you are, depending on where you were dreaming about it could be a fantastic place.

I have travelled to 35 countries, and right now there is not a single one that I would not return. Of course, there are some that I might not go back to right now, but in the future, everything is on the table, everything is possible.

So look at the good side of things and have a fantastic time travelling wherever you may end up.

Happy Travel

I hope that this little post might have inspired you or at least got you think about travelling. I know it is a little light hearted, but that is what travel should be. Travel to me should be a little light hearted and little fun. Giving you a story to share with friends and family. Why not scroll down and find the comments section below and leave a little comment sharing what you dream is.

Travel Tips

How Travel Isn’t As Bad As You Think

First Morning In Vancouver

It was somewhere around 9.30 pm local time in Vancouver, and I was sitting in my first hotel on my first every overseas trip. Some thoughts were running through my head, but the main one, “What am I doing here?” I was almost 12,000 km from home, and if someone had offered for me to be back at home right then, I would have taken it. But I am getting ahead of myself, let me share the story with you.

A Long Day Travelling

The morning seemed rushed, being up early to meet the suggested arrival time at the airport. Passing through check-in and customs did not seem bad at all and then just the sitting and waiting to board the plane. There was a delay due to a technical fault, but soon we were under way for the 13-hour flight to Los Angeles.

With an uneventful flight arriving on time in Los Angeles and a relatively easy immigration process, I had some eight hours to spare. Having done some research, I planned to spend the majority of this in the airline lounge for my onboard flight.

Passport, Where Did I Put That

Finding the airport lounge turned out to be a little more difficult. It is never a good thing opening random doors in an airport, that is how alarms sound. Unlike some of the lounges in airports that are rather well signed, I could not spot any signs that stood out. It turned out this nondescript wooden door with a tiny plaque next to it was the door I wanted. Of course, it took asking for directions to come to this conclusion.

I thought nothing of what they may want to see when I entered the door; I just had my money ready. But the first question turned out to be unexpected and triggered a little panic. It went like this,

Clerk: “Do you have your boarding pass?”

Me: Why yes I only got that 30 minutes ago. But umm where did I put it?

Clerk: No problem I can reprint it what is your flight.

Me: No I need to find my copy because my passport is with it.

At this point, I was rifling through my passport wallet, backpack, carry-on bag, and jacket pockets. But no dice. I started running through my minute by minute moves over the past 30 minutes.

30 minutes ago: At the check-in counter with passport and boarding pass handed to me.

25 minutes ago: Passing through security with the passport for id and boarding pass to proof I was flying.

20 minutes ago: Went to the bathroom and placed passport and boarding pass on toilet roll holder….

…My heart skipped a beat and was racing a little at that thought. I had been on the ground in a foreign country for less than an hour and left my passport WHERE.

6 Hours In An Airport Lounge

A split second later my hand went to my waist and felt the newly familiar shape of the money belt there. Not jus the money belt but the familiar squarish shape of my passport. I am sure you can imagine the relief that washed over me at that moment. Of course, the boarding pass was right there with it, and soon I was able to relax just a little.

The next six hours passed I believe in much more comfort than if I had to spend it in the general lounge area. There was access to food and drink, plenty of seating, much fewer people and some freedom to move around. That is without a need to purchase supplies and camp out in one spot just to have a seat to sit on. Plus the added benefit that taking a nap was possible with a much-decreased risk of things going missing.

While the airport lounge was an excellent choice in this situation. The experience was far from perfect; the wifi did not work, the seating was just comfortable but not entirely practical. But I am still rather more happy with the experience over spending that much time in the general airport area.

Looking back now given the choice of a stop over like this or an overnight stay. I would and have chosen the overnight stay on multiple occasions. When you consider the difference in price between an airport lounge ($50) and a hotel ($100) to me the hotel is an easy choice. It is not about efficiency, but more about a comfortable experience and not wasting countless hours sitting around an airport.

Onto Vancouver

Eventually, the time came to collect my things and head towards the boarding gate. Compared to the last flight this was a nice short 2-hour 30-minute flight. The departure was on time, it was a smooth flight, and soon enough we were arriving in Vancouver.

I had collected my bag and on the way to Immigration. Everything was looking good for me to make the hotel transfer bus. The last one would be leaving in 25 minutes. There seemed to be a few more questions than Immigration in The USA but no problem. He marked my card and sent me on through the gate.

But it seems that was not the end of the process for me on this evening. At the last check before entering Canada, I was directed to more detailed questioning and baggage inspection. As I was standing in the line, I checked my watch and realised I would not be making the hotel transfer bus.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the search ends up not taking more than 20 minutes. The officer sped up the process as soon as she realised I was much more tourist than anything else. I had all the papers for hotels and onward flights. The only thing I can think that triggered the search is being a young male travelling alone and the first time I had used my passport.

Getting To The Hotel

Soon I confirmed I had missed the hotel transfer bus, so I had to look at the options. Which came down to Taxi or train. The taxi would be the most direct, but I suspected would be rather costly. The train would find me around 1.3 km from my hotel.

I chose the train, and even though I don’t mind walking and exploring a city, this is not how I like to do so. By the time I got into the city and stepped out of the station, it was a few minutes before 9 pm. It was dark, there were a lot of people around, and here I was dragging a suitcase with a big tourist look to me. I tried to make it look I knew where I was going and end up heading the wrong direction.

But soon enough I checked the map, realised my mistake and was onto the right direction. Once I arrived at the hotel some 20 minutes later the check in was thankfully quick and painless. Which of course leaves me sitting on the bed at 9.30 p.m., wondering what it is I am doing here.

27 Hours Travelling

I had been travelling for some 27 hours on planes, in airports, a train and walking. Now I am sitting here wondering why on Earth I put myself through this. Right at that moment given a choice, I would have chosen to head directly back home.

But of course, that is not a practical option when you have another 40+ days of travel booked and paid ahead of you. Especially when the only way to get back home is to put yourself through all of that again. Being on the other side of the world away from everything familiar is a confronting experience. Especially when it is the first time you have taken that step.

But life must go on; I could have sat there all night questioning what and why I am here. That honestly gets things nowhere. So I did the only thing I could do, I got up and walked myself out to find dinner. By this stage, I was rather hungry. On the way back from dinner I stopped at a Starbucks for a hot chocolate and a chance to connect to the internet and contact home. Before heading back to the hotel to get some much-needed sleep.

Waking Up To A Brand New Day

Travel - First Morning In Vancouver

The next morning I woke up, got dressed, had breakfast and headed out to explore the city. It seems the sleep had helped to push away the feelings I had from sitting on the bed the evening before.

I figured I was here I might as well get used to it and make the most of the time I have in Vancouver. The more I explored, the more I found that my choice to travel was an excellent choice. It just comes down entirely to your perspective on individual situations at a given point in time.

The previous evening my feelings, point of view and perspective was very much guided by some factors. There was a lack of sleep, a change of plans, an unexpected situation and trying to recover the situation. But in the light of a new day, these are not problems, they can be overcome, and they do provide a valuable learning experience.

Situations May Be Bad, Travel Is Not

I am very glad that I gauge my experience by all the good things that have come from travel. Even more happy that there was not a choice or option to turn and run home on that first night. There are so many experiences that I would never have had the chance to experience. So many friends that I would never have met.

I would never have been able to visit some 35 countries. The vast range of experiences that come from visiting so many countries is invaluable. It very much leaves you a different person than before you left your home country.

I would never have been able to cross two of the world’s great oceans by cruise ship. First, it was the Pacific Ocean, visiting many little island nations. Followed closely by the Atlantic Ocean spending some eight days on the ocean without sight of land.

Everyday Is A First When Travel

Of course, these are the bigger achievements; there are small things every day that you travel. The first time that I purposefully visited a church to see the building for its beauty. That first time I walked on ground that is over 1900m above sea level. The first time I faced a language barrier.

There are just so many different things every day that you travel that you experience for the first time. You just do not even realise half of them when you are there doing it. But now trying to think back to share a list, they just do not even seem that important or significant.

Travel Is A Great Adventure

So I hope that while I might have given you something to be concerned about with travel. I very much hope that you can see the positive side of travel now, even though there can be a downside as well.

Of course, there might be situations that are bad or days that seem like the worst thing you have ever experienced. But at the same time, these are the times that build who you are as a person. They test you and try to break you, but when you come though to the other side. You realise that maybe it was not so bad after all.

Go out there and travel, dream of something different, explore the world and discover yourself for the firs time.


Kaikoura, New Zealand Day Trip From Christchurch

Kaikoura Ranges

Today I am winding the clock back a little to my trip to New Zealand in 2015. It was one of the first days I was in Christchurch. Some friends were taking a day to drive from Christchurch to Kaikoura and asked if I would be interested in joining them. Needless to say, I did not need them to offer twice and below is some of the stunning locations we visited along the way.

Christchurch To Kaikoura

The distance between Christchurch and Kaikoura is around 180km. If you are driving straight through it takes around 2.5 hours. However, today we were looking to visit some Geocaches along the way. While also stopping at numerous scenic locations for some photography as well.

For the majority of the drive, we followed the SH 1 highway north from Christchurch. I believe the primary detour we took from this route was around Domett, to pass through Port Robinson and Gore Bay.

From the point of view of a photographer, I could have easily spent a week exploring this route. However, today we had just the one day to get there and back. But this did not stop us from seeing a lot of what the area has to offer.

St Paul’s Church

The first stop we made was near to a church by the name of St Paul’s. It was a stop for a geocache, but I took a look around the church as well. It seems that even though it is still standing to some degree, this is the result of being held up by supports. The church was quite badly damaged by the devastating 2011 Earthquake near to Christchurch.

St Pauls Church

Cathedral Gully

Cathedral Gully is what is commonly referred to as a badlands. A badlands is a type of dry terrain where sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soil have been severely eroded, by wind and water. The area is a natural badlands, while it is also possible for man-made badlands to exist. With the name coming from the resemblance of the area to the spires of a cathedral. Also, you will notice in the background of this photo the area known as Gore Bay.

Cathedral Gully

Gore Bay

Gore Bay is a very open bay that is formed just north of Port Robinson. The bay itself is a mixture of sheer cliff faces and beaches covered in pebbles. The photo below shows the view to the south from a picnic area at the first point where the road is almost at sea level.

Gore Bay

Local Wildlife

There was one point along the drive that we noticed some of the local wildlife. The seals seemed happy enough to pose for a photo, but soon got bored and moved along.

Seal on rocks
At another stop, we noticed this seagull that has quite a spectacular view to go with its nest. So, of course, this photo also does show some of the stunning landscape along the coastline here.

Seagull Nesting


Once we arrived in Kaikoura, it was hard to pay attention to the town, when you see the surrounding countryside. The mountain range that still has snowcapped peaks is the Kaikoura Ranges. Well, it is only one of the ranges, as the Kaikoura Ranges are made up of two parallel ranges.

Kaikoura Ranges

The below photo was captured from almost the same spot as the one above. However, this picture looking to the south is the peninsula which forms a part of Kaikoura.

Kaikoura Peninsula
The eastern end of the peninsula is made up of some large flat stone areas that extend out into the ocean. Depending on the tide these can be covered or exposed by the water. They are the result of the water eroding away the sediment that has previously been deposited on the ocean floor many millions of years ago.

Kaikoura Uplifted Sediments

Great Day Out

With the expected five hours drive time combined with the number of stops we made it was an all day outing. I think at a guess we probably were out and about for over 12 hours. But it was very much a great day exploring some beautiful countryside. At some point in the future, I would love to explore the area a little deeper, especially to do a little hiking where it is possible. But also just to stay in some of the smaller towns like Kaikoura and enjoy the different feeling to a big city.


Travel Explored – Week In Review

Travel Explored - Week In Review

Here we are at the end of the first week of May and I have been enjoying the change in weather in Brisbane. I have even found myself putting a jacket on with a slight chill in the car some days. I do much prefer a little cooler weather than the hot and humid summer’s we often experience in Brisbane.

I have continued with some early starts to capture the sunrise near to home. With two morning’s this week putting on quite a show with some beautiful clouds turning red in the morning.

Cleveland Point sunrise

But let’s get into the new content and the rest of the week, with a little look forward into next week.

New Content

Monday 1 May 2017
Exploring Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch - Governors Bay
I continue with my catch up posts this week sharing about my time in Christchurch. I visited Christchurch in 2015 as part of a two-week trip to attend a Geocaching Mega Event. I got to see some great spots here and very much enjoyed the time.

Wednesday 3 May 2017
Advice For Planning A Long Overseas Trip

My Advice for Planning a Long Overseas Trip
Planning a long overseas trip can pose many different challenges both in the planning and booking stages. There are many different aspects to think about before you leave home.  In this post, I discuss many of the considerations that I have made while booking four different long overseas trips.

Friday 5 May 2017
2 Ways I Avoid Jet Lag When Travelling

Avoid Jet Lag
One of the certainties for many people travelling across many time zones is the reality of jet lag. While I might not have all the answers there are a couple of things I have done that might help to avoid jet lag.

What I’m Reading

While it looks like I share a lot of content myself, I do also get a chance to read other people’s blogs as well. Below are just a couple of posts I found interesting and wanted to share with you.

The Best Travel Movies That Will Inspire Your Wanderlust

I came across this list of travel movies and thought I have seen plenty of good travel movies. Turns out I have only watched about half of the ones on this list. The have that I have seen I fully agree with, the others well they go on a list to watch when I have a chance.

The US’ one-million-acre secret

I came across a rather interesting article on BBC, about the Allegheny Forest Region. Covering some one million acres of land the area is said to be as close to the first settlers in America as you can get. I think it might be a great place to visit one day.

Should you go to Austria or Switzerland for the perfect Alpine holiday?

Technically I have been to both countries, but neither to their Alpine region. An alpine trip to either country would suit me and think it would be great to explore some of the towns and countryside.

Instagram Top Posts

Coming Next Week

Here is a short teaser for the following week on the upcoming posts. If you have any requests or thoughts on what you would like to read feel free to get in touch via the Contact Me page.

Kaikoura, New Zealand Day Trip From Christchurch

The next instalment from my trip to New Zealand in 2015. On one day I went with some friends for a little road trip from Christchurch to Kaikoura. A rather beautiful drive with some amazing scenery and coastal views.

How Travel Isn’t As Bad As You Think

The first time I ever travelled overseas was a confronting experience. That first day when you have been travelling for over 24 hours without sleep. Arriving into a new city in a different country all alone without family or friends just around the corner. In this post I share my story of that first day travelling 12,000km across the Pacific to Vancouver, Canada.

5 Easy Steps To Travel

When you think about it planning, booking and travelling is rather easy. I take a look at just how easy in this post. Maybe a little tongue in cheek, maybe a little reality. Let me know what you think on Friday.

Enjoy The Weekend

I hope that you have enjoyed the new content this week and look forward to sharing more with you next week. I would also be very happy to hear about any topics you would like me to talk about in the future. You can let me know by leaving a comment below, using the contact me page or finding me @Travelexplored on social media platforms.

Travel Tips

2 Ways I Avoid Jet Lag When Travelling

Avoid Jet Lag

It is not always easy dealing with long distance travel. With the idea of sleeping on planes and the uncanny ability of no actual optimal time for a flight to arrive and depart. Many people end up dealing with the one outcome of experiencing jet lag.

Jet lag is encountered when flying either east-west or west-east crossing multiple time zones. It is the result of your bodies circadian rhythm being out of alignment with the actual time zone you are in currently. For example flying from New York to London, put’s you off by around five hours.

Some people seem to be able to adjust very rapidly and exhibit minimal detrimental effects. However, many people will likely take a couple of days to adapt to the new time zone their body is in.

I believe that there are some ways you can avoid or minimise the impact of jet lag. However, before continuing, please understand that I am not a doctor or health care professional. I am purely relaying some ideas that have worked for me. It is important that you consider your situation and discuss it with professional if needed.

Consider A Stop-Over

Sometimes when you are going to be travelling long distances, you might find yourself crossing many time zones. Such as travelling from Brisbane to London there is a 10 hour time difference.

If you can split the number of time zones, you change over multiple travels days can help. So for example, if you were to make a stop in Dubai on the way to London. Making this stop gives you a chance to stage your body changing time zones, instead of moving it a whole 10 hours all at once. You first change it by six hours to be at the same time as Dubai. Followed by a four-hour change the following day to match London.

A stop over such as this can be an excellent option for people who have trouble sleeping on a plane. It allows for sufficient rest during the travel, as opposed to one long travel period.

Depending on your intended plans you can even make this stopover multiple days. It can give you the option to explore a country you might not have otherwise visited.

Sleep Your Normal Times

Avoid Jet Lag

One of the most effective ways I have avoided jet lag is to only sleep on my regular times. But I am not suggesting that you sleep every 16 hours. What I mean is that some days when travelling I might be awake for closer to 30+ hours.

Let’s consider if I was travelling from Australia to America. The flights I have taken often leave around 10-11am local time in Brisbane. With the flights arriving in Los Angeles around 6-7am local time. Ideally, if you were going to sleep on the flight a few hours towards the end would be best.

However, this poses problems for those who cannot sleep on planes. By the time you arrive in Los Angeles, you are likely pretty tired. I know at this point in the trip I am like already near to 16 or 17 hours awake. But I do what I need to push through and not look at going to bed until at least 8 or 9 pm that evening.

Obviously, if you are taking this approach, there are some considerations to make. Being awake for this amount of time is not recommended, but I have found it to be possible when needed. Additionally, under these circumstances, I would not even consider driving any vehicle.

But most importantly I let my body decide how much sleep it needs that first night. I do not set any alarms or make any engagements on the first day after arriving.

Sometimes You Just Cannot Avoid Jet Lag

Even with putting things into place, for some of us, the ability to avoid jet lag is just not possible. The only option may be to accept it and build a couple of days recovery into your travel plans.


Advice For Planning A Long Overseas Trip

My Advice for Planning a Long Overseas Trip

When was the last time that you took a holiday where you travelled for more than one or two weeks? How about a holiday that required booking multiple flights or hotels? How about planning a holiday that is long than a month?

The way things are for most jobs, it’s hard for many people to get more than a week or two at a time to travel. Often this means booking maybe one return flight and maybe one or two hotels. It is not too difficult to get it worked out and booked.

Now imagine if you had three months to travel. Where would you go? Would you spend the whole time in one place? Maybe you would split the time between multiple cities, states, countries or even continents.

Planning Considerations

Although you will find people that might have no hesitation in booking a flight and boarding a plane, letting everything work itself out along the way. There are many more people who just could not handle heading off into the unknown. If you are like me, I love to have some idea in advance where I am going, how I am getting there and most importantly where I will be sleeping.

If you are going to travel for three months especially with multiple different locations, there are something to consider up front. I think there are five area’s that you need to consider when planning and booking a longer trip. These include time, destination, the route, how you will get there and where you might stay.

How Much Time Do You Have?

One of the most important things to establish right up front is how much time you have to travel. There is no point dreaming of a trip that requires six weeks to fully enjoy when you only have four weeks to squeeze it in.

There are a couple of important considerations when you are thinking about the time you have available. They are aspects that are better considered before getting to the ‘where’ and ‘route’ stages.

  1. Consider the amount of time that it takes to travel to and from your destination, plus any related recovery time due to time zone changes.
  2. Travel time can also play a part in considerations and can play havoc with bookings if you don’t pay close attention. Flying from Australia to USA you arrive the same day you depart. Flying from Australia to Europe You will likely have an overnight during the trip. The flight from Europe to USA or reverse can very depending on time of day and the direction of travel.

Some of the aspects above may play more of a role depending on the total time you have. If you have two weeks than the amount of time you spend travelling is going to be a crucial part of your planning. However, if you are travelling for three months, losing a day here or there to travelling between places is not such a big deal.

Where Do You Want To Go?

Planning Overseas Trip

Once you know how much time you can afford to spend travelling it comes down to putting in some serious thought on where you want to go. It is something that only you will be able to decide, as only you know what you would like to see.

  1. Do you just want to visit one country and see some the different cities or areas here?
  2. Do you want to visit multiple countries and experience some different cultures?
  3. Do you want to go around the world stopping at major cities?
  4. Do you want to get on the road and see everything in between the cities?

There are likely many other ways you could ask the same questions. But essentially it is the question of what do you want to see and experience?

What Is Your Proposed Route?

The question of the route may or may not come into your considerations. If you have one particular destination or country, this may not be so important. However, if you are looking to visit multiple countries or cities, it could be an important question.

It is a question I wish I had considered with more though before starting to book segments of my trip to Europe in 2012. I booked a return flight from the USA to use across two trips and subsequently booked a flight from Australia to Europe. It was only a little bit later looking at other things and starting to book more of the trip, that I realised this was not ideal. I end up with a trip that looked like Australia > Europe > USA > Europe > USA > Australia. It just cost a little extra, but with better planning, I could have avoided some of the backtrackings.

What you need to think about are the main destinations you want to visit and list them down. Once you have these, consider the order that you are going to visit them, and if you have any specific dates, you need to be in any of them.

If you can avoid things like fixed dates in a particular place, it is better. It might be possible to work around one fixed date, but two or more and you will likely find yourself back tracking. Which can result in wasted time travelling?

Likewise, if you have existing bookings try and work around these before going any further. Just to try and avoid setting up confusing back and forth routes.

Getting There And Back

Once you have established where you are going to visit, the next step is to think about how you are going to get there. Of course, this depends on a great deal on where you plan to go.

When you consider the way you get between your destinations, there are almost always two options. However, sometimes it can depend on when you want to travel.

A great example is travelling between Australia and USA or the USA and Europe. Any day of the week you can board a plane and fly to these destinations. However, if you want a different experience at the right time of year, you can also opt to board a cruise ship and take the more leisurely option.

Likewise, if you are spending time in one country, but visiting various cities, you have options. Again you can often fly between most destinations. But there is also in many areas the option of driving, train or even bus.

The way that you get between your destinations is likely to depend on some level on your budget. While flying is the most cost effective travel from Australia to travel internationally. You might find the train a better option in Europe.

Where To Sleep?

Well, you are now definitely getting to the pointy end of thinking about your trip now. Picking and choosing where you want to stay does in many ways gets you into an emotional connection to the trip. At times it is this stage of the planning that in some ways have been the make or break point in planning.

Where you are going to stay is also something that will be very much considered in combination with your budget. If money is not so much an issue, you may be okay just picking hotels everywhere you go. On the other hand, if you need to make sure every dollar works for you, it might be worth getting a little creative.

Another consideration might be if you are travelling alone or with a friend or partner. Travelling with someone can help to spread the cost in some ways. But can also make it a little harder to agree at times.

However, also keep in mind whether the option you are booking is the same price for one or two people. A hotel room might be a fixed price for one or two people, while a cruise ship is charged per person.

Bring Everything Together And Book It

At the end of the day, there should only be so much time spent on planning the trip. At some point in the process, you need to get to the point of locking things in and start booking.

The booking stage is something that you should only start on once you know your dates are firm. The last thing you want to do is go and start booking aspects of the trip and find out you cannot get the time off work or something.

But at the same time, if you know you can do it, you don’t want to leave it to long before completing the bookings. The thing with hotels, airfares, cruises and any other travel is the price is constantly changing. A hotel for $100 today might be $150 tomorrow. A flight can mysteriously double in price overnight. Likewise, at times the price can drop, but if you are on a budget do what you can to lock things in when you are comfortable with the price.

Good Luck And Enjoy The Journey

If you are planning a big trip, all the best, I do hope that it works out perfect for you. Don’t let it be something that causes a bunch of stress in the planning or the travel itself. If you get, it planned, and get it booked just go and enjoy the journey.

I would love to hear about your trip you are planning. So why not head down the page a little and leave me a comment. Let me know what you are planning and if you have got past the planning. Even if you have finished your journey, let me know how it went.


Exploring Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch - Governors Bay

When I visited New Zealand in 2015, I spent the majority of my time in Christchurch. The primary reason for my trip to the area was to attend a Geocaching Mega Event in the area known as Kaiapoi. I spent nine days in and around Christchurch exploring the city and the countryside.

I will cover most of the main area’s I visited in Christchurch in this post. However, there are a couple of posts that I have previously shared a little about my time in Christchurch. I will list them below if you want to read more about my time in Christchurch.

Hagley Park

I visited Hagley Park on numerous occasions while in Christchurch, both as a place to walk and to find a few Geocaches. The park itself is almost like a break or buffer between the Christchurch CBD and the suburb of Riccarton.

Christchurch - Hagley Park

There are many large trees throughout the park and many beautiful gardens. There is even a relatively shallow waterway that it is possible to kayak through as well.

Christchurch - Hagley Park

Hagley Park also incorporates the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. Throughout there are many beautiful gardens full of flowers at the time that I visited.

Christchurch - Hagley Park Flowers

The Groynes

Christchurch - The Groynes

The Groynes is a rather large park with many walking trails and a range of dog off leash areas. There are also some beautiful areas through the park such as this one with a tributary of the Waimakariri River running past.

Cathedral Square

Cathedral Square sits at the centre of Christchurch when you look at Christchurch on the map. Depending on the map the city name will be almost on top. It is also the place where the Christchurch Cathedral, which was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake stands still very much damaged.

Christchurch - Cathedral Square

As you look at the buildings around the square, it can be rather difficult to see why some are barricaded off. While others show the very visible signs of the damage from the earthquake. Such as the building below which is fenced off but has no external signs of damage.

Christchurch Cathedral Square Fenced Off Building

Christchurch City Walk

I did not spend a lot of time in the Christchurch Central Business District. But on the one chance, I had to walk around there was a couple of interesting features that I spotted. The first was at one point when I came across this waterwheel. It does seem to be a relic of the past, but I wonder for what it might have been used.

Christchurch - Waterwheel

There is also the Bridge of Remembrance; I am not certain if the repairs were for the bridge itself or the archway. However, it is dedicated to those who died in World War I and serves as a memory to those who participated in both world wars.

Christchurch - Bridge of Remembrance

Renew Shopping Mall

One interesting area of Christchurch that is new since the earthquake is the Renew Shopping Mall. It is in this area that a lot of shipping containers have been used to rapidly build a place for the shops to operate.

Christchurch - Renew Mall

It is an interesting area, and I wish I had been a coffee drinker at the time I visited as this might have been a good spot for coffee.

Christchurch - Renew Mall Hummingbird Coffee

185 Chairs Memorial

There is a temporary art installation which in some ways acts as a memorial to the lives lost in the 2011 Earthquake. There sits here 185 empty white chairs each one representing a life lost in the earthquake.

Christchurch - 185 Chair Memorial

Governors Bay

While I was out looking for Geocaches around Christchurch, there were some amazing spots that I discovered. This particular spot is near to a location known as Sign of the Kiwi and looks down across the hills to Governors Bay.

Christchurch - Governors Bay

Waimakariri River

The Waimakariri River runs a little to the north of Christchurch. The river flows for around 150km from the Southern Alps, across the Canterbury Plains to the Pacific Ocean. At this location, it is quite wide almost at the Pacific Ocean, but further upstream it flows in a braided fashion.

Christchurch - Waimakariri River

So Much To See

The city of Christchurch and the surrounding area offers so much to see and explore. What I have shared today in this post is just a fraction of what I got to see myself and a smaller fraction of what is there to explore. I just did not always have the camera out at the right times to capture everything in pictures. I know that I will return to the area one day and delve in a little deeper, especially on some of the walks and hikes.


Travel Explored – Week In Review

Today brings the month of April to a close and as such the first third of the year is gone. I know it is kind of terrible looking at it that way, but it is the reality. However, that means there is also some good news. There is still two-thirds of the year, eight months ahead of us to make full use of.

I was only up one day this past week heading out to capture the sunrise. But it turned out to be a great morning for the sunrise. My destination was Cleveland Point and the combination of low cloud on the horizon and some high cloud overhead made a great combination. I could not choose from some of the photos I picked out so sharing a few here.

Cleveland Point Sunrise Cleveland Point Sunrise Cleveland Point Sunrise

There have been a few good posts over the past week. I am so happy that I have been finally able to share a post from my time in New Zealand in 2015. This week it is a big day hiking at Godley Head. But as you might see from the upcoming posts for next week there is another post from New Zealand. So I hope you enjoy this round up for the week.

New Content

There have been a couple of interesting posts this week. Like last week I am glad to finally share another post that has been a while coming. This week it is one of my hikes from a trip to New Zealand in 2015.

Monday 24 April 2017
Making The Most Of Holiday Time

Holiday time

When we travel all too often we do not take time the time to fully appreciated where we are travelling. There is also more often a lack of time for rest and relaxation. So hopefully a few good point for you in here to help you have a better holiday.

Wednesday 26 April 2017
Hiking Godley Head – New Zealand

Godley Head

In October 2015 I headed to New Zealand for two weeks to attend the Christchurch Geocaching Mega Event. One day I joined a group of other Geocachers to hike and explore Godley Head.

Friday 28 April 2017
Future Travel Throughs For 2017

Future Travel Plans

The year it getting on a little and there is not much more than eight months to go. So I thought it about time I put it out there what I hope to try and get in this year. It might not all make it in but hoping that some of it will.

What I’m Reading

While it looks like I share a lot of content myself, I do also get a chance to read other people’s blogs as well. Below are just a couple of posts I found interesting and wanted to share with you.

Liem Barber Shop HCMC for a haircut and beard trim

You would think that getting a haircut is a pretty straight forward experience. I had never thought about writing a post about the experience, but then I do cut my own hair, so maybe there is a post there. Troy has managed to put a post together about getting a haircut in Vietnam and it is quite an interesting post.

One96 Hong Kong Hotel Review

I was scrolling through a feed on Twitter and this little hotel review caught my eye. I think it might have been the image that showed a rather nice looking hotel room with a great view. It is definitely a little bit different to my accommodation while in Hong Kong.

121 Things To Do In Rome: The Ultimate Guide

It is hard to imagine that this list of so many things to do in Rome comes from Med Cruise Guide. I know I would have loved to do a lot but when you cruise to Rome there is only so much time available. But it is still a great list to keep in mind for a ground-based visit to Rome. So much to see and so much to do.

Instagram Top Posts

Coming Next Week

Here is a short teaser for the following week on the upcoming posts. If you have any requests or thoughts on what you would like to read feel free to get in touch via the Contact Me page.

Exploring Christchurch, New Zealand

Back in October 2015, I visited the city of Christchurch in New Zealand as part of attending the New Zealand Geocaching Mega. In this post, I share some of the spots I visited and hope you will get to enjoy a little look at Christchurch.

How To Plan A Longer Trip

Planning a holiday can be a lot of fun and a whole lot of stress depending on how you approach it. The last overseas holiday that I took was a whole 80 days planned and booked before I left home. So in this post, I look at some of the steps that are involved in doing that.

2 Ways I Avoid Jet Lag When Travelling

Nobody loves the thought of a long-haul flight whether you are going to your destination or home. But there are a couple of ways that I have used in the quest to avoid the after effects of the long-haul flight, jet lag.

Enjoy The Weekend

I hope that you have enjoyed reading the posts over the past week as much as I have enjoyed writing them for you. If you have anything that you would like to share please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or get in touch through the contact page.


Future Travel Thoughts For 2017

Future Travel Plans

When I think about the last time that I travelled, my mind goes back to 2012 when I visited Europe. Although I have taken some smaller trips since then, nothing all that significant. There has been two week long trips to Melbourne, ten days to New Zealand and some shorter local adventures. More recently there was a 10-day cruise to the South Pacific. But nothing big and it seems like it is about time to change this.

I have had to rework this post a couple of times now as it has been a work in progress for a couple of months. But essentially with not much more than eight months left in the year, if I am to travel I need to start planning it now. Three ideas have been on the table, which I will discuss. However, they are also in flux to some degree with the changing current world situation.


A road trip is something very much on my mind, even more so after my post last week (Road Trip Brisbane To Stanthorpe). However, I continually seem to have smaller commitments that come up and defer my attention. It just appears that there has been a continual stream of time restraints and the consideration of my cars ability to cover the distance.

Why Drive, Instead Of Fly

Often I am questioned on why I want to drive instead of just flying between the capitals. The answer is simple; I want to see everything that is in between the main cities. For me, the idea of a road trip is less about the mode of transport and the final destination. But all about the many smaller destinations along the route being travelled.

I find that when you fly there is a lot that you are missing in the name of saving time. So if I needed to visit Sydney specifically, I would be more than happy to fly to Sydney. But that does not mean that Sydney cannot be the primary destination while exploring the area in between Brisbane and Sydney.

Where to road trip

Presently there are two trips that I would like to undertake by road. I have a few specific spots that I would like to visit, along with Geocaching along the way, but I am sure there is plenty more in between as well. Essentially, the two ideas are either north or south, Brisbane to Cairns or Brisbane to Melbourne.

It is approaching what would almost be the perfect time to head north along the Queensland Coast. More so because we are heading into winter, and the weather may not be as hot. The route is also pretty popular with backpackers and other travellers visiting Australia.

The other option is to head south through New South Wales to Victoria and Melbourne. There is even some potential that it could be extended to visit Adelaide as well. Looping back to Brisbane via the inland route.

How Long To Travel

I have been drawn to the idea of a road trip in part due to the flexibility of time. Although, I have in the past decided against a road trip because I cannot fit it in between other engagements. But when you think about it there is no need to take this approach. Even if you had to return home with short notice, you are less than a day from an airport almost anywhere in Australia. Or worst case two or three days of solid driving on the east coast Australia.

The overall length of the trip would be an unknown at the beginning. Because I would want to let, things flow depending on what was around to see and do. Ideally, I would be looking not to spend more than 2-3 hours at most driving any day. Especially not multiple days back to back. The biggest factor though can be the distance between towns I want to stay in. Which would be dependent on the particular route to some degree. I doubt I would want to spend less than a month in either direction.

Europe Adventure

I have visited at last one country in Europe on two occasions. The first was a visit to England for seven days exploring the countryside. The second I visited many more countries both by land and sea. But there is still a rather large amount of Europe that I have not visited, but would like to.

When it comes to countries, I have yet to visit that I would like to there are a couple. Including Norway, Sweden, Romania, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Finland, Ireland, Scotland & I am sure there are more. Needless to say, though some of these countries seem much less safe with the attacks in recent months & years.

So even though I love visiting the cities and countryside to explore the history. Europe may be something that goes on hold for the moment. But time will tell, I believe there are still plenty of relatively safe areas. It is just being selective about where you visit and prioritising less populous areas.


If I had to pick one way to travel over any others that would be cruising. The first cruise I went on it was by chance I decided to make that a part of the trip. But from that first cruise, I have now sailed 93 days on cruise ships over four separate cruises.

The biggest challenge that I have faced in being able to cruise more though is the cost of cruising alone. It often takes a lot of digging and research these days to find a cruise that is good value for a solo traveller. Of course, that is not something that stops me looking, but does make me hesitate in booking quite often.

In the past one of the options that has worked out best for me to cruise is the Transpacific or Transatlantic. Often I have been able to find these are quite good prices. However, it seems with the increased popularity of cruising they are not quite the deals they used to be.

I can say that either way, I will continue to look for cruises at the right price for me to be able to cruise. Some of the options that I am considering could include the Transpacific in either direction or the Transatlantic again in either direction. The biggest challenge I am finding with both options is the cost of hotels at either end. Especially in the USA, and Europe hotels seem to be quite expensive. Either way, I will keep looking at what is available and seeing what might work out best.

Future Travel Ideas

That about sums up the primary options that I am considering for the rest of the year. That is not to say that something else might not come up that seems to be the right fit at the time. I would love to make all three happen and potentially more because that will give me plenty to share with you here as well. If you keep a watch next week I may even look to put together a potential itinerary for a road trip.


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